Educational Freedom Gave Me Everything. Your Kids deserve the Same.

Educational Freedom Gave Me Everything. Your Kids deserve the Same.


From a comprehensive understanding of the French Revolution to an extensive vocabulary, going to Catholic private school from Kindergarten to Grade 12 has given me everything. Without the education I received, I don’t know what would have happened to me. 


Our constitution states that all men are endowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights including life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. I’d argue that these are all interlinked- when one is lacking, the other two suffer. And the rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness are all inarguably linked to the Educational Freedom Act Initiative. If the initiative passes, parents will no longer sit on the sidelines while their children are indoctrinated with leftist agendas and Fauci-endorsed pseudo-science. 


Every child deserves an equal chance at life, regardless of race, zip code, or financial stability. Here are five things I enjoyed from my educational upbringing and what I believe every child should be able to enjoy from theirs.


1. The Ability To Think Freely 


  One phrase that’s seen a lot on Facebook boards is, “Teach your kids how to think, not what to think.” Ironically, this argument is often used to attack privatized education. But when students have the option to attend a program with limited government regulations (such as a private K-12 school), chances are that they’re able to ask more questions and get real answers for them. When I attended school, teachers were encouraged to use the Socratic method, asking the students a series of questions until they provided an incorrect answer. We also participated in debate and received a nuanced education in world history and economics. 


The sad thing is that students in public school settings often feel too intimidated to speak up or to seek the absolute truth. Instead, they’re taught woke dictums and hold their tongue for fear of being canceled. In a private setting, if a student’s remark was uncalled for, he’d likely be reprimanded and sent on his way. A public-school environment wouldn’t likely be so forgiving. 

 2. A Slew of Life Skills 


  It’s often said that experience matters much more than education. But in a privatized environment, experience and education are synonymous. At a school like mine, children learned by doing, constructing clay Viking ships and participating in live biology experiments. Not to mention the dress code, code of conduct, and academic standards that taught us the importance of discipline and professionalism from a young age. 


Of course, every school is different. But for the most part, children learn more about routine, community, and work over play when they’re in a private school setting. Parents know the best path for their children, and they deserve to have the choice to send them somewhere that will benefit them for life. 


 3. Engaged Teachers 


  In a private school setting, one gets the impression that those who work there are there because they want to be. In my experience, my teachers have worked tirelessly and were personally invested in their students’ success. And for students to become grounded, stable, driven adults, having the groundwork of engaged teachers is invaluable. 


Sadly, when education is institutionalized, school can feel like a warehouse. Teachers have more of an opportunity to detach from their work. Again, not all schools are the same. But privatized settings provide more chances for teachers to see the fruits of their labor and receive the motivation necessary to go above and beyond. 



4. Less Peer Pressure 


  Every John Hughes movie will tell you that the quintessential High School experience involves underage drinking, crazy parties, ditching school, and the like. And at a typical gov-run school, this is often the case! With thousands of students and federally endorsed presentations from the likes of Planned Parenthood, it can be daunting for a teenager to swim against the tide. 


Luckily, it doesn’t have to be this way. With a niche, quality educational environment, the focus isn’t so much on who’s the coolest in the friend group but rather on how each individual can contribute to the greater world around them. 



5. Access to the Best Educational Materials 

Public schools may receive tons of taxpayer funds, but where those funds end up going is an entirely different story. Smaller institutions rely heavily on donor funds, and these donations often come with strings (and rightly so). Privatized donations ensure that the students at a particular school receive a particular set of benefits. Instead of spending thousands on sports uniforms or European field trips, my school invested in accurate, academic-grade textbooks and authentic literature (such as Oedipus Rex and Huckleberry Finn). The underlying goal was a multi-faceted education. 


Because my parents had a choice in where to send me, I attended an institution with a commitment to excellence, not a facade of it. 



The ability to enjoy educational freedom was such a blessing for me. It was at my Catholic private school that I learned to think, ask questions, and receive the help I needed to become a responsible, well-formed adult. 


Every child deserves the same chances that I had. The Educational Freedom Act would ensure that parents have the choice to send their children to the best schools possible. 



As you may be aware, we are currently laying down the groundwork for our signature gathering campaign starting January 2022. We count on monthly donors to make this campaign the success we know it will be. Click on the DONATE link and share with friends today to keep the dream alive.